Massaman Curry (แกงมัสมั่น)

Ever since January marked the unravelling of a dissertation-FMP-degreeshow-graduation-Pentagram-LIFE spool, I’ve been mashing together a panoply of announcements and happenings into one post per month, which creates this sort of illusory quality>quantity justification to ease my mind. But even as I turn my attention to the next thing—whether it’s as immediate as laundry or longterm as job applications—Wandercrush hasn’t become an obsolete obligation because it’s morphed… Continue reading Massaman Curry (แกงมัสมั่น)

Grandma’s Zongzi (粽子)

To append my recent recipe-lacking travel post on Taiwan, this is perhaps THE kingpin recipe, loaded with all the nostalgia and symbolism that you'd expect out of a blog post with "Grandma" in the title. Out of her many signature dishes, zongzi (粽子 / sticky rice dumplings) most epitomise traditional, familial, ceremonial, and festive fare; the Chinese… Continue reading Grandma’s Zongzi (粽子)

Sailing Thailand (Part II)

Bangkok somehow manages to feel like a tropical jungle, even though it has more concrete than oxygen per square metre. The sky train running right above the traffic-clogged artery of Sukumvit is interwoven with tangled foliage and palpable humidity; rainy season means the slivers of visible sky are overcast and perpetually pregnant with precipitation. Out… Continue reading Sailing Thailand (Part II)

Eating Thailand (Part I)

There are notable quirks and variations in dining culture upon moving from America to the UK, but Southeast Asia is another culinary universe altogether. Growing up in a society where many achieve a “balanced” meal by ordering a pseudo-sugary diet soft drink with their salty extra-large fries, Thailand is a lesson in flavour harmony. Trendy tom… Continue reading Eating Thailand (Part I)